Monday, November 26, 2007

Use The 'Boyfriending Technique' To Get Laid Fast

Use The 'Boyfriending Technique' To Get Laid Fast

By John Alexander
Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

I'm going to reveal an important comfort-building technique I call "Boyfriending." In a nutshell, there's something you can do that's usually done ONLY by a woman's boyfriend.

If you do it too, it's a way of getting under a woman's radar and making her comfortable enough around you so that she'll be receptive to sex without making you wait.

You see, in order for a typical woman to have sex with a man, she must have feelings of comfort. It is not enough for her to simply feel attraction for the guy.

Let's say you meet a girl at a 5 PM happy hour. The two of you hit it off, having a great conversation. She's laughing. She's interested. You entrance her by telling her fascinating stories about your life. The two of you have good rapport.

Around 7:30, you get hungry and invite her to get something to eat. Dinner goes well too. Then dinner ends. Now what?

Around this time, a lot of guys get confused about how to advance the interaction forward. Clearly the goal is to get laid, but the roadmap is often muddled.

Usually the night ends with the woman saying something like, "I had great time meeting you. Call me. Bye!"

Often, the need for comfort is why women like to make guys wait before sex.

(If the guy's lucky, it might be only three dates, but with a lot of women, the guy can be made to wait for months.)

Fortunately, there's a way to shortcircuit that barrier. I call it the "Boyfriending Technique."

If you watch couples who are in close relationships, you'll notice an interesting phenomenon. The man and woman are extremely comfortable touching each other, so much so that they'll even do seemingly gross things like brush sleep ("eye boogers") out of each other's eyes.

It's a behavior that's only done by people who are completely comfortable around each other. Certainly when you are in a relationship where you can brush sleep out of a woman's eye, you've long since passed the point where the two of you are comfortable having sex.

Catch my drift? You can use this as a psychological weapon to make the woman feel more comfortable around you.

In mid-conversation, tell her to hold still and close her eyes. Pretend there's sleep in her eye, and make her believe that you just brushed it off.

Later, after the two of you finish eating and leave the restaurant, again tell her to hold still. With your finger, brush off an imaginary piece of food from her lower lip.

The net result of the Boyfriending Technique is nuclear. First, it sub-communicates that the two of you are very comfortable around each other.

Second, it involves you touching her face, bringing your heads closer together and progressing towards a make out session.

Third, in the case of you touching her lower lip, you're in fact touching an erogenous zone. That's right... a woman's lower lip has a high concentration of nerve endings. Stimulating her lower lip makes her body release sex hormones.

Make the Boyfriending Technique a part of your dating arsenal, and you'll find more success than ever before. You may just be having sex within several hours instead of having to wait several months.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!

Monday, October 1, 2007

How To Make A Woman Trust You Completely

How To Make A Woman Trust You Completely

By John Alexander
Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

I'm about to reveal a little-known secret of human persuasion that can induce the woman to feel complete trust for you, and have sex with you... even if it's the very first date.

You see, for a woman to have sex with a guy, she must not only be attracted to him, but she must also trust him. Look at it like this:

1. Trust Without Attraction = "He's a great friend and I love him to death!" (Translation: "We'll NEVER have sex!")
2. Attraction Without Trust = "I'm not a loose woman. He'll have to wait before he gets any!"

However, if the woman has both attraction AND trust for the guy, she'll be literally begging you to take her home with you that night.

Let's take a typical scenario. Say it's coming up on 11 PM, and you've been with a woman since 6 that afternoon. As long as you've had good rapport with her and you've kept pushing the interaction forward, you can assume she's attracted to you.

And by the way, with a woman, you should always assume attraction until proven otherwise. Because the bottom line is that as long as you've got good body language, you've got a lot going on in your life, and you're witty and interesting, she WILL be attracted to you.

Now you need to build trust. By the time you finish this article, you'll know an easy, efficient way to do that.

And by the way, this is a one of the best-kept secrets of human persuasion. The most successful advertisers and salesmen to make billions use it, and now you'll be able to use it with women.

Have you ever noticed how ads will sometimes mention minor defects in the products? A famous example of this was the wildly success Volkswagen Beetle ads from 30 years ago that had the huge headline: "Lemon."

The point of the ad was that not all of their cars were perfect. VW took its quality inspections so seriously that it took note of even small weaknesses in the builds of its cars.

You see, if a person tells you something that's against his self-interest, you tend to trust him more. We all do. It's a fundamental trait of human psychology.

So when it comes to women, you should point out your minor flaws. Examples could be:
- "I have an ugly mole on my neck. Sometimes I feel self-conscious about it."
- "I had to give a speech last week and felt so nervous!"
- "I don't always floss my teeth even though I should."

Even if they're fake flaws, it doesn't necessarily matter. By pointing them out, you create a perception of honesty within the woman.

Because she believes the minor imperfections about you, she'll believe the MAJOR PERFECTIONS about you as well.

This means that, having both attraction for AND trust in you, later that night she could be breathlessly panting, "I've never done it with a guy this soon before!"

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Revealed: What Women Want When It Comes to a Guy's Looks

Revealed: What Women Want When It Comes to a Guy's Looks

By John Alexander

Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

As part of my research for a guide to style, I put together a focus group of 6 randomly chosen hot, single women between 21 and 33, to find out what styles in men they considered hot.

My goal was to find the things that they all agreed on.

The results were surprising, because the issues the women had the strongest opinions about were ones that most guys would never think of.

1. YOUR TEETH. Bad teeth are "just gross" said one blonde bombshell, to the enthusiastic agreement of the others.

So in order to not have your teeth immediately disqualify you, keep them brushed twice a day, flossing at least once. And if they're rotten or badly stained, see your dentist ASAP.

However, don't go crazy with the teeth whitener. "No one wants to kiss Chiclet Mouth," added the blonde.

2. YOUR HANDS. Women notice right off the bat if your hands are covered with dirt or grease.

"If you work with your hands," said one woman, "that's not the first thing a woman should notice about you."

So auto mechanics, construction workers, and other blue collar types, listen up.

"It's not what a person does," explained another chick. "It's just about taking care of yourself. If you can't even wash your hands, what does that say about you?"

3. YOUR CLOTHES. When you're wearing jeans, leave the tennis shoes at home.

"I am a believer that athletic gear is for exercise," said a part-time model in her mid-20s. "Some boys wear only tennis shoes and that's just annoying. It shows immaturity."

Good shoes instead are loafers or boots.

Try to be neat without being anal. "You should not look sloppy," said the blonde, "but don't look so put together that you appear obsessive-compulsive."

And, be an individual, agreed the women. If you've got that one shirt that only you love, you should still wear it, even if it is somewhat "uncool." For example, take a hawaiian shirt with a flamingo on it. Some guy who absolutely loves it can wear that shirt.

So the bottom is that a few guys can indeed pull off wearing the tennis shoes.

Sound confusing? It isn't once you realize that the simple test is this: Are you wearing clothes that display your core personality?

As one woman explained it, "You should be comfortable with what you're wearing and like what you're wearing, because women will pick up on that."

So in other words, the perfect style for you comes down to personal preferences and your individual sense of style. You can't make one rule for everything, except just be your genuine self.

John Alexander is the developer of How to Become an Alpha Male, a seduction success system for men. Learn 7 simple secrets to changing your "appearance"... as soon as tonight... that will immediately double or even triple your attractiveness to women!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Here's How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths

Here's How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths

By John Alexander
Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

Are you a guy with a high-pitched voice? Of maybe you've got a face only a mother could love?

Well, whatever it is, if you're worried and upset about your physical flaws, which prevent you from attracting women, then I've got some good news for you.

Not only can you eliminate those flaws, you can turn them into your advantage. I'll explain how by bringing up an example of three guys who were very successful players in their day.

So here's a trivia question for you. What do Steve Tyler of Aerosmith, the late rapper Eazy-E, and Curly from the Three Stooges all have in common?

The answer is they all had voices so high that if they had wanted to, they could have talked to someone on the phone and that person wouldn't have known they were speaking to a man.

It would have been simple for all three men to have hung their heads in shame and turn into beta males who never got laid and never even could get a girl to talk to them.

In fact, I've coached a lot of men who have limiting beliefs when it comes to things like their voice, their looks, their genetics, etc. You name the trait, and there's always somebody who uses that trait as a negative belief, which sabotages their chances at success with women.

However, despite their high voices, Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly were all masters of a simple technique that turned that big flaw into a big trademark that made them even more attractive to women.

It's a simple technique that I learned when I studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and it will help you as tremendously as it did all three of those men.

In order to develop the confidence of my students, I have them learn and apply this concept. The concept is called reframing.

Here's how reframing works. Basically, you take every negative belief that you have and turn it into a positive, uplifting question. Do it like this:

1. "I feel bad about my voice" becomes How can I use my unique voice as my own trademark that sets me apart from other guys?" (That's what Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly all did.)

2. "My face is pockmarked from acne" becomes How is my face totally awesome? How can my lack of natural good looks actually help me with women?"

3. "I'm too short" becomes How can I height to my advantage?"

As you ponder your new, reframed questions in your mind, your brain will come up with answers to them.

For example, you might find that it's to your advantage to not be a "pretty boy." Women expect good-looking guys to talk to them, so when you're displaying the confidence to talk with them, their guards will be down.

They won't expect you to try to pick them up. That gives you a window of opportunity to display your confident, alpha male personality.

Being short can allow you to gain rapport much easier with girls than taller guys can. Tall guys have a psychological communication barrier a lot of the time because they're literally speaking to a lot of girls (who tend on average to be shorter than guys) from a different level.

So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your limiting beliefs that do.

Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that women pick up on.

For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.

So I want you to stop reading after this, get out a pen (or open a blank document in your word processor) and write out your negative beliefs. Then write positive, uplifting questions about how to turn those flaws into good things.

When you become happy and comfortable with all your traits, through the technique of reframing, you'll become unstoppable with your self-confidence. Gain that kind of confidence, and you'll magnetically attract girls to you.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn to develop the confidence and mindset that make women lust for you.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to Start a Conversation With a Woman

How to Start a Conversation With a Woman

By John Alexander

Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

Last week I had the easiest pick up and lay in my life, and it all started with me walking by a random girl and saying (using a clear, resonating voice and disinterested, but relaxed and sexual body language), "Hey."

She looked up, expecting me to say something interesting.

My follow-up was simply, "Do you know where the smoothie place is? I'm in the mood for a smoothie."

After that, she kept the conversation going. Simple, right?

Here was the key: I always made sure that she was reacting to me more than I was reacting to her.

When I first started speaking to her, I frankly couldn't care less about what she thought of me.

My mindset was, "I'm just going through my day. But hey, if some hot chick wants to earn my attention, that's cool. If not, I'm going to enjoy my day just the same."

I've coached a lot of guys, and the mistake I most often see a guy make when he opens a conversation with a girl is that he tries to get a response from her.

Maybe he tries too hard to make her laugh. Or he starts asking her weird questions that he shouldn't be interested in when speaking to a total stranger (e.g., "What's you major?" or How has your day been today?")

This sets her up with a higher value than him.

You see, whenever you set a girl up with a higher value
than you (like when you're trying to win her approval), this causes her to lose attraction for you.

In every conversation, there is always one person who is reacting more than the other. The person who reacts less (i.e., is the more relaxed of the two) is the more dominant, or alpha, person.

The person trying to win the other's approval is the one who's more attracted. So a girl will struggle to make small talk and keep the conversation going as long as your value is higher than hers.

Women are attracted to men who are a challenge for them. If at some point it becomes clear that you're trying to win her approval, then there's no longer a challenge for her and she loses interest.

Keep the alpha status and stay in control of the situation right from the beginning. Make sure to not ever react too much to what a girl says. Always remain more relaxed than her.

So the answer to the best way to begin a conversation with a woman is this: Don't try. Don't care what she thinks. Just say whatever you want.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male. Learn the easy way to talk to girls.

Other Blogs about becoming an alpha male:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes With Your Hands?

Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes With Your Hands?
By John Alexander
Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

Unfortunately, what you do with your hands can be one of the quickest non-verbal ways to destroy the attraction that a woman feels for you, because the wrong hand movements can communicate that you are a low-status, beta male.

To make matters worse, your hands can be particularly tough to manage because, let's face it, when you feel nervous, the hardest thing in the world is figuring out what to do with your hands!

For success with your dating and seduction of women, make sure you don't make the following body language mistakes with your hands.

MISTAKE ONE. Displaying your anxiety with your hands.

You do this when you:

1) Shred napkins.

2) Make your hands into fists.

3) Sit on your hands.

4) Hold something and play with it.

5) Twiddle your fingers or thumbs.

6) Hold your hands unnaturally still.

7) Sit on your hands to avoid having the woman see them tremble.

Although you might be feeling nervous, the last thing you want to do is to let the woman detect you feel that way.

Instead you want to convey that you're calm and in control. Nothing attracts a woman more than a man who's laid back and confident.

MISTAKE TWO. Putting your fingers into your mouth.

When you bite your nails or otherwise chew on your fingers, you are, according to psychologists, doing the same thing that infants are doing when they suck their mother's breast.

For a baby, breast feeding provides comfort. When we became toddlers, our thumbs replaced our mom's nipple.

And then as adults, biting our thumbnail does the same thing. Ever noticed that when you're out in public, you mainly bite your nails when you're under pressure?

THE SOLUTION. Just hold your hands relaxed on the table.

Rest your forearms on the table, keeping your arms open and letting them drop forward.

Keep your hands and arms open and relaxed. Most of the time this means having them about 18 inches or half a meter apart, your palms facing each other, with fingers curved slightly upward.

As your palms face each other, they should also face the woman. Open palms convey honesty and being completely comfortable with yourself. Having the back of your hands facing her can often convey that you're hiding something.

Demonstrating your confidence can be as easy as that! Stop twiddling your thumbs and watch the women flock to you.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male a dating and seduction success guide for men which will improve your body language and confidence.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Using The 'Fated Encounter' For First Date Seduction Success

Using The 'Fated Encounter' For First Date Seduction Success
By John Alexander
Author, How to Become an Alpha Male

Wouldn't it be nice if you could create feelings within a woman of a deep connection with you... even if you two have known each other for only a few hours... and without having to resort to complicated (and risky!) hypnosis tactics?

Well, good news. There is a very easy, no-risk way to do this. I call it the Fated Encounter Technique.

Here's why it works. Every woman has a fantasy from the time she was a little girl, triggered by a constant diet of romance movies and novels, about fate bringing the man of her dreams to her.

In one typical scene the guy and the girl almost bump into each other on the sidewalk. Instead, fate keeps them apart, and they go their separate ways.

Then, two years later, they live in the same apartment building. Yet after several close calls, they still don't meet, again because of fate.

The two date other people, off and on, and yet are never happy. Months go by. The man and the woman each ponder what it will be like when they meet that special someone, someday...

And then near the end of the movie, fate finally brings them together. And of course they hit it off right from the start.

Wouldn't it be nice if that could happen in real life, rather than having to wait through several dates before the woman finally feels comfortable enough with you to have sex?

Well, it can. You can speed the seduction process and have the woman feeling deeply connected with you by using my Fated Encounter Technique. I'll explain how it works.

During the course of your conversation with the woman, you bring up places she has been to. If you've been to those same places, you then talk about how amazing it is that the two of you could have been there at the same time and yet destiny kept you apart.

Let's say, to use a recent example I encountered, that she shops at the local Whole Foods grocery store.

You can then say, "That's awesome. I shop there too. Imagine, we've probably seen each other there all the time!"

Another example would be that the two of you go to downtown LA all the time, and probably have walked past each other on many occasions.

And now, you can say, "Isn't it amazing how fate has finally brought us together?"

As the conversation progresses, the two of you can talk about other coincidences, and the things the two of you might have done together if you'd only known each other.

With the seed planted, as the girl thinks about those coincidences, and how "fate" has now brought the two of you together, she will then start to feel as if she's known you, on a deeper psychic level, for a lot longer than just a few hours.

You, she concludes, are the man she's been waiting for all her life.

John Alexander is author of How to Become an Alpha Male ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!